Auslan 103 Prahran
Auslan103P/RANOur Australian Sign Language (Auslan) courses build on the skills learnt in our beginner 101 and 102 Auslan courses.
Features of Auslan Extension 103 Course
· Extension 103 teaches a new curriculum of intermediate Auslan with a focus on practical interactions with other Auslan users and Deaf people
· It extends knowledge and understandings learned in the Beginner 101 and 102 courses and continues to grow your vocabulary and skills
· Courses available across Melbourne
· Courses are suitable for service professionals such as medical staff, police, emergency and welfare workers who wish to add to their skills.
Do you get a certificate at the end of the course?
Yes, absolutely. To be eligible to receive a participation statement you are required to attend 4 out of the 6 classes. Bearing in mind that our community classes are non-accredited.
Our face-to-face courses run over 6-weeks with a 2 hour class each week.
These courses are limited to 20 people per course and cost $180 per person.
Upcoming courses
There are currently no course dates available.